
General Information

Connecticut Small Claims Law: This provides a resource bank into Connecticut small claims law and procedure.

General Information: This provides general information about the Connecticut small claims court system.

Instructions to the Defendant: This provides information to the person being sued in a small claims case on how to navigate their case.

Forms and Documents

Small Claims Writ and Notice of Suit Form (JD-CV-040): This form should be filled out by the plaintiff to begin a small claims case.

Small Claims Statement of Service Form (JD-CV-123): This form should be filled out by the plaintiff after the Small Claims Writ and Notice of Suit form has been delivered to the defendant.

Small Claims Answer Form (JD-CV-040A1): This form should be filled out by the defendant upon being served the Small Claims Writ and Notice of Suit form.

Small Claims Withdrawal Form (JD-CV-041): This form should be filled out by the plaintiff to withdrawal the Small Claims Writ and Notice of Suit form made against the defendant, effectively ending the case.

More Official Connecticut Judicial Branch Small Claims Court Forms: This provides a complete list of official Connecticut Judicial Branch small claims court forms.